Best Methods to Track Who Your Customers Are

Best Methods to Track Who Your Customers Are

There are many forms of advertising on the market that can help you reach your clients. However, it is difficult to determine which will work and what options you should avoid. Asking your consumers which platform they prefer, giving them a code to track how they found your sale, and setting up a landing page to monitor your online marketing can help you streamline where you should invest your dollars and create lead generation. Here are a few methods to track who your customers are.

Provide a Code to Determine Which Media Works Best

There are multiple options for media today that can reach different demographics. As a company that serves various types of customers, it can be a challenge to determine which method is being seen by your clients. One way to track this is by using codes. Design an offer and publish it on your various platforms. However, before you do, issue a different word or series of letters and numbers to each one. When the consumer takes advantage of the sale, they will have to use it to get the discount. You can tally the results and utilize them for generation. It will also illustrate which avenues you should work with at that moment.

Ask Your Customer What They Prefer

The best method to ask your clients which marketing option they prefer is to question them directly. While it may be awkward to confront them with this query, you can send them a link to a poll and request that they complete it. List the various websites, social media platforms, television, radio, and print options that you currently utilize. Making each option multiple choice instead of a written answer will give you a better chance that you will get feedback. Compile the results and adjust your campaigns accordingly. Doing this should increase your lead generation and make your advertising profitable.

Create a Page to Track Online Traffic

You may have already made the shift to do most of your advertising online. However, with your website, social media, and other various platforms, it can be a challenge to decide which one is best. You can develop a landing page that each site is linked to. This tool will tell you where the clicks are coming from. It narrows down which internet source delivers your message the best and is the ideal option to build your lead generation.

If you want to track online traffic and leverage data to better understand your customers, contact the team at Leading Edge Commercial Capital today.